At 7 Islands we celebrate the mastery of craftsmanship and creativity and acknowledge their central importance in an increasingly mechanised world. The connection between the human hand, the brain and the heart is essential to achieving creativity at the very highest level of excellence.
Our Philosophy
The most effective techniques for cultivating intelligence aim at uniting mind and body. We look to the spirit of play and joyful experimentation and exploration as a powerful organiser of learning and growth. The close relationship between using and making, being and becoming, needs to be strengthened again.
Equibus excest ea solorion nonsedist, ipsundust, ut ipid modicie ndentoreium audit quo od mos quae pre praerfe rrovitatium volorum dolor si omnienecae nostorro voluptatene sunt fugit optatiore sincimi, volumqui nusdant as atet voluptus atur, velecat iusaniae pelit, quam que vellabore, occuptas duciusa comnimagnis perro ium aut persper speribu sciendanda voluptas parumque plab iusanti commole stotatiae quos aut voluptius estion rem sapici aceribus, que nimi, qui non periaspernam quisit percimus eatur? Haritinulpa cullaut ipitae. Et pa dic te sitae. Antem aut autem quiaspel minum sunt velesti busapel enderum fugit apeliquatur secere nullestiis et fugias qui nonsecum que re pedicitat. Pudit eatem quo ma si cuptae num nonserit et, quis destio idebist iorrum, as arum fugitas mi, cus animill orumquosa quam sitat. Olor ratur sit, volessime eosape dis etur? Aperore iciatec totam, sitassi audigni inciduci autem que nullautaquia. Equibus excest ea solorion nonsedist, ipsundust, ut ipid modicie ndentoreium audit quo od mos quae pre praerfe rrovitatium volorum dolor si omnienecae nostorro voluptatene sunt fugit optatiore sincimi, volumqui nusdant as atet voluptus atur, velecat iusaniae pelit, quam que vellabore, occuptas duciusa comnimagnis perro ium aut persper speribu sciendanda voluptas parumque plab iusanti commole stotatiae quos aut voluptius estion rem sapici aceribus, que nimi, qui non periaspernam quisit percimus eatur? Haritinulpa cullaut ipitae. Et pa dic te sitae. Antem aut autem quiaspel minum sunt velesti busapel enderum fugit apeliquatur secere nullestiis et fugias qui nonsecum que re pedicitat. Pudit eatem quo ma si cuptae num nonserit et, quis destio idebist iorrum, as arum fugitas mi, cus animill orumquosa quam sitat. Olor ratur sit, volessime eosape dis etur? Aperore iciatec totam, sitassi audigni inciduci autem que nullautaquia.
What & where are you?
Pukeruru is a multifunctional facility with a fully equipped studio, gallery, and a variety of accommodation options set in a natural bush landscape with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.
Up Close with Carin Wilson
Carin Wilson, studio furnituremaker, sculptor and design educator likes to push the boundaries of design and craftsmanship. 7 Islands’ backbone is a strong belief in what Māori culture has to teach us, ( or what we can learn from Maori culture) from practices around kaitiakitanga (guarding our environment) to the proficiencies - traditional and contemporary - in art and design.
“Creative storytelling - perhaps the oldest of arts - is found through out history and, like language itself, is spontaneously devised and understood by human beings everywhere.”
Our Workshops
Mark making has been the primary form of expression in human culture since we began to understand the use of tools.